Transcribed notes from iPad
Want to do items
Design 50x80mm nrf52840 board
- Use a power fet for LED cutout?
- Add PMOD and QWIIC connectors?
- Include a non-pop USB-C footprint?
Write an Anachro Bootloader
- A/B side image
- Update-able bootloader image (maybe)
Clean up and publish
crates- Split out Stargazer to its own repo
- Design LiPo Stamp test stand
- Something with the SCD30 CO2 sensor?
implementation -
Design Acrylic cases
- Water resistant one (Kuma Collar)
- General purpose "sandwich" case
Document "Eye of Sauron" idea
- Grab sketch from iPad
Think about Anachro protocol versioning
- Chat with @mgattozzi
- Review Geal/Biscuit's thoughts
Document "Tweet to Lab Notebook Importer"
- Bot to open PR with my tweets and replies on a daily basis
- Include text for search (not just links)
- Mail out LiPo stamps to testers
Thoughts for me
I probably want to stream starting out the LiPo stamp tester, because I'll need that for the Kuma Collar/80x50 board.