Async thoughts
Are these good async demos?
- An async button or two, that do something like cycle colors or turn off the LEDs
- an async SPI driver that handles sending the WS2812 commands
- An async i2c port listening for color/brightness/mode values for 2 LEDs
I2C port
- Event driven: We are responding to incoming commands
- Have a couple different API items:
- Mode (off, solid, blink, updown)
- Brightness
- Color
- Have two register sets
- Could benefit from interrupts
- Have a couple different API items:
- Outputs...?
- Event stream to another Cassette?
- Poll API for current state?
- Pub Sub?
- Purely event driven
- Basically this is just the exti interrupt? Or polling I guess?
- Outputs...?
- Event stream?
- Poll API?
- Really just sequencing outputs
- Could have it's own state for sequencing?
- Could potentially benefit from DMA/interrupts?
- Could potentially allow for multiple concurrent senders?
Brain Default
- EXTI interrupt task
- SPI task
- Mostly for DMA reload?
- I2C task
- emit changes/updates?
- IDLE task
- Doing periodic updates
- EXTI future
- allows for waiting on events like transitions?
- async task that awaits on futures, and sends messages to N channels?
- SPI/smartled task
- Listens for messages to send (but how does it know to wake up?)
- Calls future enabled SPI driver
- Has some sort of "current status" interface?
- I2C Peripheral
- pretty much all in the interrupt?